Dr Amy McLean MBBS (Hons) FRACP

Dr Amy McLean is a Consultant Respiratory and Sleep Physician who has worked and lived in the local area since 2007 .

She has a firm commitment to providing the best possible care to people living in Kuring-gai , Hornsby and beyond. She admits and cares for patients in Hornsby Ku-ring-gai Hospital and the Sydney Adventist Hospital.

Dr McLean has chosen to offer care in all aspects of respiratory and sleep medicine. She has expertise in the management of complex asthma (including biological treatments for asthma), severe bronchiectasis and is a principle member of a Pulmonary Hypertension Specialist team

Dr McLean visits Dubbo regularly to provide specialist care to regional NSW.

She is working on a project to support the people of Tonga in terms of their respiratory and sleep disorders.